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Cembre RHU520 Hydraulic Crimp Head (400-1200mm2)
The robust Cembre RHU520 hydraulic presshead with removable top die, complete with male Quickfit automatic coupler for connection to a range of Cembre hydraulic pump units with a working pressure of 700bar.
Generally used for the compression of cable lugs and splices between 400mm2 and 1200mm2, the RHU520 crimper is also suitable for large overhead-line and earthing applications. An adaptor die (AU520-130D) is available to accept C-shape die sets common with most 130kN crimping tools.
All RHU 520 crimping tools are sold with a 12 month warranty and full calibration certificate. The VAL 520 protective steel case is available to store the crimper. There is also available the separate VAL MAT 520 case which has sufficient storage space for 10 die sets.
Please note, all die sets need to be ordered separately, please refer to our datasheet or contact our Tooling Department for die set selection guidelines.
Manufacturer | Minimum Cable Size | Maximum Cable Sizes | Cembre | 400mm2 | 1200mm2 |
Cembre RHU520 hydraulic crimp head for 400-1200mm2 lugs and splices. Die sets sold separately.