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TE Connectivity 11-17kV PILC Three-Core Termination Kits
TE Connectivity EPKT three-core (3core) PILC termination kit, suitable for terminating three-core (3core) paper insulated lead covered (PILC) 11kV or 17.5kV cables.
These heat shrink termination kits are designed for installation within enclosed environments, such as air insulated termination boxes.
Supplied within each three-core (3core) TE Connectivity EPKT termination kit is a semi-conductive breakout, stress control and anti-tracking sleevings, along with full installation instructions.
650mm tail lengths as standard, however long tails or extension sleevings are available if required. Please contact our MV Sales Team for details.
TE Connectivity heat shrink, indoor three-core (3core) PILC termination kits for 11-17kV Medium Voltage applications.